Legal And Financial Translation Services

Banking and Finance - Capital Markets

We have renowned experience in this field, as shown by our 15-year track record with more than 70 deals in the capital markets. We provide full translation services in connection with the filing documents required by the regulatory authorities and securities exchanges in several jurisdictions (Argentina, USA, Luxembourg, Mexico).

We translate public and private offerings of government and corporate bonds, including Argentine corporate notes or obligaciones negociables, ADS, convertible securities, and other investment vehicles such as securitizations, derivatives, investment funds, swaps, financial trusts, etc. Besides, we provide translation services in connection with the new SEC enforcement requirements following the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Specifically as concerns the banking industry we translate business plans, internal audit reports, foreign trade documents, guarantees, loan transactions, etc.

We also have vast experience in the translation of project finance documents and mergers and acquisitions. In this field, our translation services start at the due diligence phase and end with the execution of the final agreements.